My Artistic Passion: Calligraphy

Learn the Basics of Calligraphy

Before jumping right in, it's in your best interest to collect the right materials beforehand. Some suggestions include...


lettering cards with branch of leaves

Now I'm going to tell you the key rule to the technique: every up-stroke is thin, and every down-stroke is thick. So, every time you move the pen towards the top of the paper, the stroke must be thin; every time the pen moves downward, the stroke is a lot thicker.

If you want a visual reference, watch the 6-minute video below on how to practice basic lettering. Captions are available if you need them. Here's the link to the video: How To: Calligraphy & Hand Lettering for Beginners!

Quiz Time!

In order to make downward strokes ______, you have to apply ____ pressure.

Thinner ; more
Thinner ; less
Thicker ; more
Thicker ; less

What's the best way to practice calligraphy? (Select two)


What do you need (material-wise) to practice calligraphy?