My Artistic Passion: Calligraphy


If you’ve ever been fascinated by the cursive styling on a wedding invitation, or maybe you’ve just wanted to impress your friends with some swirly writing, then you’re at the right place! This page is dedicated to the most beautiful form of the written word: calligraphy. Throughout this website, you can find the history of calligraphy, a short tutorial for the basics of calligraphy, and helpful resources. You can also see a directory of calligraphy products you can buy, as well as the mental benefits of practicing calligraphy!

Fountain pen writing cursive words in a journal

Fountain pen writing cursive words in a journal

Ever since I was eight years old, I have been addicted to perfecting my handwriting (print and cursive). I even taught myself how to write in cursive in 3rd grade! This was the spark of a never-ending passion for artistic writing. About four years ago, I started learning calligraphy with some brush pens and a fountain pen (which I didn’t know how to use). I fell in love with the elegance, the freedom, and the art that calligraphy could bring to my life!

Now, I'm no expert in the craft of calligraphy, but I think I can at least shed some light on the unique form of art! Enjoy your journey through the world of beautiful writing :)